—  From 23 to 25th November 2023  —


Barcelona , 23-25th November 2023

Afghan women: between war and peace

A testimonial debate with two Afghan refugee women, between war and peace, with the presentation of the context and moderation by Ignacio Álvaro, former coordinator of Spanish cooperation in Afghanistan.


Sunita Nasir Tareen

Promoter and president of the Association of Afghan Women in Spain

Former UN official. Afghan civil engineer dedicated to promoting sustainable development and women’s empowerment. Promoter and president of the Association of Afghan Women in Spain (3rd “Josep Piqué” Award presented by the King a few days ago).

Nadia Ghulan

Afghan writer and activist.

For 10 years she pretended to be her deceased brother in order to be able to work and feed her family, thus avoiding the prohibitions of the Taliban regime. Years later, she recounted this experience in her novel “El Secret del meu turbant”. In 2006, thanks to the Association of Human Rights in Afghanistan (ASDHA), she arrived in Badalona where she currently lives. She is involved in different NGO’s and other cultural and social integration projects.

Ignacio Álvaro Benito

Former coordinator of AECID in Afghanistan (Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation). Specialist in organisational development, leadership and sustainability in the university, public and international cooperation fields. He is currently Director of Organisation and People at Comillas Pontifical University, responsible for talent development, organisational development and coordination of the University’s sustainability strategy. He is a member of the Chair of Leadership and Internalisation and of the Chair of Economic and Business Ethics at Comillas Pontifical University.