—  From 23 to 25th November 2023  —


Barcelona , 23-25th November 2023

Building bridges to justice: Spirituality and Coexistence on the 75th Anniversary of Human Rights

Elaborate on the importance of promoting spirituality and coexistence in the context of human rights, emphasizing the need to establish bridges between different communities and promote justice in today’s world.


Mn. Josep Chisvert Villena

Senator of the European University of Andorra, Dean of the Diocese of Saint Julia de Loria, and Teaching Representative of the Diocese of Urgell, Catalonia.

As is well known, he conducted activities in an inclusive manner through his research on economics and theology, seeking answers to the human and spiritual needs of all people with an open mind, regardless of whether they came to the church or not, in search of a church connected to the world today.

Wafaa Moussari Rahab

Islamic Psychologist, Master in Psychosocial Intervention by the University of Barcelona.

Diploma in Islamic Psychology from the Cambridge Muslim College. Founder of Psicoislàmic where she offers an individual attention service combining western psychotherapy with Islamic psychology, in order to offer a service to people who need a holistic approach, in which different dimensions and aspects are covered, including the spiritual dimension.

Rabí Meir Shimon Bar Jen

The main rabbi of the Israeli community in Barcelona (CIB) and Catalonia.

President of the Orthodox Jewish Community Bet David.  Previously he was Rabbi in France for 25 years and President of the Rabbinical Court in Catalonia. Graduated in Social Sciences and Philosophy.

Brian McCoy

Prestigious religious leader of the American community.

Mr. McCoy was invited to participate in the 2001-2002 United States – Cuba mediation for understanding and in 2012-2014, together with his wife, he served as a representative of the church performing educational and humanitarian services in northern Argentina. He also actively collaborates with the World Peace Forum based in Luxembourg. Brian McCoy is a member of several bar associations in different states of the United States and regularly publishes in various professional journals on issues of fundamental rights, freedom, environmental preservation and the protection of human rights.

Francisco Andres Lascorz Arcas

President of the Centro de Estudios Sobrarbeses.

PhD in Humanistic Studies and Hebraist. Outstanding researcher of Hispanic-Jewish heritage and President of the association ARCCI (Associació de Relacions Culturals Catalunya-Israel).  Author of different works mainly focused on Jewish themes, highlighting his studies on Jewish quarters and daily life in them. He has received many recognitions and awards both in Spain and in Israel and other countries.

Arnau Oliveres Künzi

Member of the Sufi tariqa Qadiriyya Boutchichiyya.

He is the author of the blog sufi.cat, dedicated to the culture of spirituality, Sufism and Islam. He is co-director of AUDIR (UNESCO Association for Interreligious Dialogue), a non-denominational entity that works for the knowledge of religions, freedom of conscience, interreligious dialogue and cooperation between different religious traditions, from the perspective of the culture of dialogue and peace. He is an acupuncturist and Chinese medicine therapist.

Thubten Wangchen

Director and Founder of the Tibet House in Barcelona.

Buddhist monk, Director and Founder of the Tibet House in Barcelona, representative of Tibet in Spain and member of the Tibetan Parliament in exile, where he represents Europe. He developed his activity as a lecturer and activist in favor of Human Rights. He has participated in numerous debates and congresses.