—  From 23 to 25th November 2023  —


Barcelona , 23-25th November 2023

Culture for Human Rights: A real challenge

 Its objective is to highlight the capacity of culture to promote and vindicate Human Rights.


Teresa Turiera-Puigbò Bergadà

Director and co-founder of Cultura i Conflicte

Journalist, documentary director and co-founder of Cultura i Conflicte, a performing and audiovisual arts collective. She has a degree in Political Science and Information Sciences in the UAB, a master’s degree in international relations from the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University in New York. She has worked in the press, radio, and TV, developing part of her professional career at Catalunya Radio, where she was news editor, correspondent in Brussels and Madrid, and program director. She received the Salvador de Madariaga European Journalism Award.

Núria Pietro

Documentary photographer, graduate in Photojournalism from the UAB of Barcelona and Artistic Mediator, Master from the UAB.

She has carried out projects in Europe, Asia, Africa, Arab Countries and Latin America. She is a collaborator and teacher at the University of Barcelona and directs the “Passenger Tales” project, a mediation and artistic creation project that uses participatory photography, with the aim of promoting a transformation in people and groups at risk of social exclusion. This project has been awarded by the Pablo de Olavide University, Seville, 2021; She is the winner of the honorable mention in the “Impulsa Cultura 2022” awards and 2nd Accèsit in the “Temps de les arts” 2022 awards.

Fatima Admed

Social activist for the integration of migrated people.

 Co-founder and coordinator of the Intercultural Association Women’s Dialogues in Barcelona, which promotes the socialization of migrant women who arrive at the Raval in Barcelona. She is part of the Advisory Council for Religious Diversity and the Municipal Immigration Council in Barcelona. In 2022 she received the Creu de Sant Jordi for the great work she has done.

Mercè Amor

Co-Founder of the Intercultural Association Women's Dialogues in Barcelona

Together with Fátima Admed, she is Co-Founder of the Intercultural Association Women’s Dialogues in Barcelona, which promotes the reception and help, as well as the socialization of migrant women who arrive at the Raval in Barcelona.

Fèlix Riera

Journalist and professor of audiovisual communication, he trained as a communicator at the RTVE Institute, being one of the founders of the Audiovisual College of Catalonia. He was director of Catalunya Radio between 2012 and 2015, he has combined his career in the media with other public and private responsibilities, such as the direction of the Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals and as a director at Edicions 62. Professor at UPF, founder of the Barcelona Audiovisual Association, has been a councilor of the Audiovisual Council of Catalonia and vice president of the Federation of Audiovisual Producers of Catalonia.