—  From 23 to 25th November 2023  —


Barcelona , 23-25th November 2023

Current challenges of the harmful use of digital technologies and the challenges it poses to Human Rights

The first article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. With the Internet, this human right has been more threatened. Many people have found digital platforms a safe space to openly incite hatred toward others based on their race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Some have used academic credentials and formats (i.e. documentaries, lectures, educational materials) to present stigmatizing conspiracy theories as truth, discourses that have often been used as justification for violent acts.

Due to the threats posed to human rights by the harmful use of digital technologies, I would like to propose a workshop in which I will give a brief overview of how digital capitalism poses serious challenges to human rights and then encourage the audience to find solutions that encourage the use of digital media for peace. In this workshop I will use the same methodology that I have applied with undergraduate students, dividing the audience into groups to develop strategies to address different types of harmful Internet uses: religious intolerance; racism; antisemitism; stigmatizing misinformation. After presenting your ideas, I will offer some constructive feedback.



Beatriz Buarque

Founder of the NGO Words Heal the World.

PhD researcher at the University of Manchester. LSE100 scholarship holder. Aside from her work in academia as a professor and researcher, she also has experience working with university students and different stakeholders, developing strategies to challenge hate speech and address different types of extremism through her NGO. The innovative methodology she develops Educ-(ac)tion, which formed the basis for her work at Words Heal the World, was recently recognized by the Luxembourg Peace Award for her outstanding efforts to promote peace.