—  From 23 to 25th November 2023  —


Barcelona , 23-25th November 2023

Defending water, oceans, and the environment as tools for peace

As Carlos Fernández Jarregi said, “Water is a cooperative source for creating peace, not for antagonizing the people,” which may be the starting point of this debate.


Pablo Cousteau

President of the Blue and Green Thinking Group of the Philippe Cousteau Foundation

He holds various positions in entities and associations, such as ASEPELT (International Association for Applied Economics), Humanae Foundation, and the Spanish Institute of Resilience. He has developed his career in finance and financial education, establishing several business schools specializing in green finance and ESG academic certification.

Carlos Fernández Jáuregui

Director of  Water Assessment and Advisory Global Network (WASA-GN)

He is currently the Director of  Water Assessment and Advisory Global Network (WASA-GN), an international institution dedicated to water and its governance, . He is a coach and evaluator for the EU Horizon 20320 and European initiatives. He has served as the Director of the United Nations Office of Support for the International Decade of “Water for Life”, and he has a Ph.D. in Hydrology from the Technical University of Berlin. A professional engineer in water resource management, he is a certified hydrological expert at the American Institute of Hydrology.

Fernando del Pozo

First Vice Chairman of the Philippe COSTEAU Foundation

Spanish Admiral. Throughout his extensive military career, he held positions related to the Spanish NATO Working Group and Cooperation Group. In 1993, he was appointed as the Director of the Strategic Planning Division and the Commander of the NATO Permanent Naval Force in the Mediterranean. He has served as the director of the NATO EU project, published numerous articles, and participated in multiple forums.

Tony Gallardo

Founder of the Fuerteventura Natural Volunteer Association

Degree in Medicine, Surgery, and Diploma in Underwater Medicine. He is an expert in natural spaces, protected areas, and the biosphere, with over 18 years of experience in defending biodiversity within the UNESCO Human and Biosphere Programme. Participated in multiple international conferences and meetings. He also emphasized his work in defending water culture and developed the concept of “renewable water”. Member of several well-known organizations such as the World Tourism Organization. Founder of the Fuerteventura Natural Volunteer Association, a non-governmental organization.

Mohammed Taquillah

President of the World Forum on Human Solidarity and the Future.

 Chairman of the Maaelaimine Development and Scientific Research Foundation. Member of the Moroccan Advisory Committee. Advisor to the United Nations in New York. Interdepartmental Chief Executive Officer. Philip Cousteau Foundation African Ambassador and multiple other positions. He has served as the Deputy Speaker of the Moroccan Parliament and a member of the Constitutional Committee.

Mario Dogliani

Italian representative for the European Ocean Mission of the Philippe Cousteau Foundation.

Naval engineer with 40 years of experience in maritime and environmental protection. Chairman of the non-profit organization SDG4MED. Italian representative for the European Ocean Mission of the Philippe Cousteau Foundation. Ambassador to the European Climate Convention, dedicated to restoring marine biodiversity and reducing marine emissions. He is the Secretary of the Alliance of Mayors for Ocean and Water Tasks.

Juan Carlos Viñas Torres

Vice-rector of Internationalization at the University of Santander, Mexico

Vice-rector of Internationalization at the University of Santander, Mexico. Graduated in Marketing and Advertising with over 30 years of experience in finance, services, technology, energy, education, and other fields. President of Global Markets at ST-Solar. International positions include VIMONT CEO, International Consulting at SUNIBES (European Business School at the University of Santander), and International Education Services Consulting among other charges.

Rafael Lobeto Lobo

Secretary General of the Philipp Cousteau Foundation. President of the Maritime corporation LL Lobeto Lobo Abogados. He is the CEO of “marina mercante”, and the founder and first president of Sasemar. He is renowned for his outstanding work and innovative spirit, defending human life in the ocean, and protecting it. He is completely committed to the environment.