—  From 23 to 25th November 2023  —


Barcelona , 23-25th November 2023

How to promote peace while taking care of the planet

Everything is interconnected with infinite lines, which is why we believe that the connection between peace and the sustainability of the Earth is crucial. We will talk to very different people who have one thing in common: they propose themselves as an essential goal and have a positive impact on this planet. We will talk about sustainability, but we will use the magnifying glass of world peace to do so, remembering that we cannot ignore the well-being of the Earth and vice versa.


Enrique Segovia Bernaldo de Quirós

Biologist and Director of Conservation at WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature Spain).

Biologist and Director of Conservation at WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature Spain). He started in 1990 as a technician in environmental education, in 1996 he created the participation programme in WWF where since 2002 he has been Director of Conservation, and representative of WWF Spain in the Spanish Committee of the IUCN. Alternate WWF member of the Environmental Advisory Council, CAMA. Member of the Sustainable Development Council and its permanent commission.

Rodrigo Castellví

Coordinator of volunteering for the Good Karma project

 Social and educational spokesperson belonging to different environments and social entities. Social and environmental communicato

Santiago Vilanova Tané

Journalist and writer. President of the association Una Sola Terra.

Former editor of “Diario de Barcelona”, winner of the City of Barcelona Journalism Award 1983. Co-founder of the Col.lectiu de Periodistes de Catalunya. Speaker in the ecology section of the Ateneu Barcelonès. Member of the European Network for Ecological Reflection and Action (ECOROPA) and the Association des Journalistes-écrivains pour la nature et l’écologie (JNE). Author of more than twenty essays, including those on the Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear accidents. He has published four novels, including one on the defence of the biodiversity of Lake Baikal. His latest essay “L’ emergència climàtica a Catalunya. “Revolució o col.lapse” is devoted to the impact of climate change and gives the floor to the country’s leading ecologists.

Adriana Ferrer

High school student and climate ambassador

High school student and climate ambassador for the non-governmental organization Plant for the Planet, the foundation empowers children and youth to respond to climate emergencies and restore the world’s forests. Participant in the Youth Summit.

Yve Ramírez

Digital communication consultant, content creator, and environmental communicator specialising in sustainability. She collaborates with companies and organizations seeking to have a positive impact on the world, and through blogs such as La EcoCosmopolita, podcasts such as Flores En El Asfalto, and books such as’ Zero Residues’, she brings people closer to sustainable and conscious living, starting from home. Founder and director of e-commerce USA and Reusar for four years, and pioneer of zero waste.