—  From 23 to 25th November 2023  —


Barcelona , 23-25th November 2023

Immigration and integration, peace values


Antonia Torrens

Coordinator of WASH (Water Hygiene and Sanitation) and Nature Based Solutions (NBS)

Coordinator of WASH (Water Hygiene and Sanitation) and Nature Based Solutions (NBS) for sustainable development programs at the Solidarity Foundation of the University of Barcelona (FSUB), member of HIDROSEC (Sanitary, Cooperation and Economic Hydrology) research group of the University of Barcelona (UB) and associated professor at the Biology, Healthcare and Environment department, Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences (UB). She has a bachelor’s in pharmacy and a PhD in Environmental Science and Technology for the UB (in collaboration with INRAE-France).

Amadou Bocar Sam Daff

Coordinator of the Catalan Senegalese Association (CASC) and member of the CEPAIM Foundation Advisory Committee.

He is from Senegal, currently living in Catalonia. He is a writer and a member of organizations and entities dedicated to immigration, development, and cross-cultural exchange. In 2018, he was awarded the Barcelona City Council Citizen Merit Gold Award.

Nicole Ndongala

Congolese human rights defender.

 She is the Director General of the Karibu Association, a member of the Africa House Advisory Committee, and the African Women’s Empowerment Coordinator of the Symmetry Foundation, in the European projects “After” and “We Created the Future 20/24”.

Justo Bolekia Boleká

Ecuadorian Hispanic Guinean linguist, essayist, novelist, and poet.

PhD from Compton University (1986) and PhD from Salamanca University (2007). Ecuadorian Hispanic Guinean linguist, essayist, novelist, and poet. He is considered one of the greatest representatives of Bubi and Spanish poetry. Professor in the Department of French at Salamanca University. Special Zone Foreign Correspondent Scholar in Equatorial Guinea, Member and Member of the Equatorial Guinea Spanish Language Institute (AEGLE) 

Lluís Recolons, SJ

Master in Sociology (M.A. Political Science) from Columbia University New York

He holds a Master in Sociology (M.A. Political Science) from Columbia University New York, a degree in Philosophy and Letters from the University of Barcelona, a degree in Theology and a degree in Economic-Social Sciences from the University of Deusto and is the director of the Studies area of the Migra-Studium Foundation. His publications have dealt with issues related to migration or population, among them: La població de Catalunya. Distribución territorial y evolución demogràfica 1900-1970 (Barcelona, 1976) and “Migration in the World: Links with Human Richness and Material Poverty”, in Population & Poverty Issues at the Dawn of the 21st Century (New Delhi, 2001). He teaches in the annual graduate courses on migration.

Joan Abelló

UPF European PhD in Humanities – University of Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (2015). Art and design critic, independent commissioner. He collaborates with various art and design colleges and universities in Italy, the United States, and Spain. Director of the Royal Art Circle of Barcelona and Director of the Catalan Institute for African Studies.