—  From 23 to 25th November 2023  —


Barcelona , 23-25th November 2023

Mac McClure Musical Act


Mac McClure

Born in Florida (USA), he holds a degree in Philology from the University of North Carolina. Mac McClure’s repertoire ranges from Bach to Lutoslawski, Messeain and Rzweski. In his programs he draws heavily on the music of Spanish composers (Albéniz, Falla, Garriga, Montsalvatge, Mompou, Rodrigo, Surinach, Turina). His interpretations of 20th century and contemporary music have been acclaimed by critics, audiences and composers. He has premiered works by Montsalvatge, Mompou, Morera, Garriga, Ortega, García Demestres, Arauco and Henze. His repertoire for piano and orchestra includes works by: De Aguila, Bolcom, Bartok, Daughtery, Falla, Garriga, Montsalvatge, Turina and Surinach.