—  From 23 to 25th November 2023  —


Barcelona , 23-25th November 2023

Music and peace

In this round table, through the experience and specific projects developed by the participants, we will reflect on the fundamental role of music as a tool to promote peace, contribute to mutual understanding and overcome armed conflicts.


-Raise awareness about the importance of music in building bridges between cultures, promoting mutual understanding and the peaceful resolution of hostilities.

-Understand the impact of music in overcoming armed conflicts as an emotional healing tool to help victims process war trauma.

-Promote the importance of harmony and dialogue through music to demonstrate how it can be a universal language that transcends barriers and encourages collaboration and mutual respect.


César López

César López is a Colombian musician, composer, guitarist and pianist. In 2003, López founded the Immediate Artistic Reaction Battalion, which involves several musicians and activists seeking alternatives to the violence that has plagued Colombia for many years. The group mainly concentrates its efforts in the city of Bogotá. When informed, it is widely known that the group immediately gathers to play for victims directly affected by the violence within the country. César López is officially a UN Nonviolent Messenger and an Emissary of Conscience for Amnesty International. In 2010, he and his Audio Engineer, Julio Monroy, recorded the album Las Voces del Salado. The album was recorded in the Montes de María with the people of the El Salado hamlet, who were involved in the El Salado Massacre in 2000. López is the creator of the Escopetarra, an AK rifle, a largely symbolic musical instrument. 47 converted into the guitar.

Fabio Hernando Arias Orozco

Fabio Hernando Arias Orozco is an Economist Specialist in Commerce and International Business from the University of Manizales, Master in Creativity and Innovation in Organizations from the Autonomous University of Manizales. He was mayor and secretary of Public Works of the municipality of Samaná (Caldas), Administrative Vice-rector and member of the Superior Council of the University of Caldas, Secretary of Education of Manizales, and Secretary of Education of Caldas.