—  From 23 to 25th November 2023  —


Barcelona , 23-25th November 2023

Peace, mediation and dialogue


Carlos Duarte


Anthropologist. Master in Latin American societies from the Sorbonne University of Paris III. Doctor in Sociology from the Institute of Higher Studies in Latin American Societies IHEAL-Paris III.

Carmen Pachón

Professor of Education at the University of Barcelona

Professor of Education at the University of Barcelona, ​​specialized in mediation and inclusion processes. She has been Dean of the Faculty of Education and Vice-Rector of the University of Barcelona.

Mauricio Bueno


Philosopher. Researcher of the dialogue team of the line of Social Movements, Interculturality and Peace Construction, of the Institute of Intercultural Studies of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Cali.

Oriol López