—  From 23 to 25th November 2023  —


Barcelona , 23-25th November 2023

Peace through equity: Addressing social injustice on the world stage and the role of sustainable development in global stability


Daniel Berzosa

Spanish lawyer, jurist and university professor.

Doctor in Law from the University of Bologna. Coordinating Professor of Constitutional Law and Fundamental Rights at CUNEF University, academic secretary of the Department of Public Law. Professor of Constitutional Law and Fundamental Rights at IEB (Institute of Stock Market Studies) among many other activities. Full Academic of the RAED.

Manuel Carballo

Epidemiologist and psychologist.

Executive Director of the International Center for Migration, Health and Development (Geneva), former Head of Social and Behavioral Research at the World Health Organization’s Global Program on AIDS, former Professor of Clinical Public Health at Columbia University ( NY). Elected honorary academic of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED)

Teresa Freixes

Former Senior Expert at FRANET (European Agency for Fundamental Rights and European Institute for Gender Equality).

Professor of Constitutional Law and Professor Jean Monnet ad personam. Expert of the European Commission and the Council of Europe. President of the Free Culture Foundation and citizens pro Europe. She has participated in the drafting of the Treaties of Amsterdam, Nice and Lisbon, the European constitution and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU.


Francisco López

Vice Chancellor of Research and Science, and president of the Research Ethics Committee of the Camilo José Cela University.

Doctor of Medicine and Spanish Language and Literature; Full Professor of Pharmacology, Researcher at the Hospital 12 de Octubre Research Institute.

Author/editor of 29 books, 228 book chapters and 435 scientific articles; academic of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts of Salzburg, Royal Academies of Medicine and Surgery of Cádiz, History and Art of San Quirce, Pharmacy of the Valencian Community, Medicine of Eastern Andalusia and National Academies of Medicine of Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Paraguay and Dominican Republic.

José Ramos Horta

President of East Timor since 2022 (TBC)

He studied International Law at the Hague Academy of International Law, in the Netherlands, and at Antioch University (USA), where he completed the master’s degree in Peace Studies, as well as a postgraduate degree on the subject of International Law and peace.

In 1996 he shared the Nobel Peace Prize with his compatriot Bishop Carlos Felipe Ximenes, for his continued efforts to end the current oppression in East Timor by contributing to a diplomatic solution to the conflicts.

Jordi Martí Pidelaserra

Professor at the University of Barcelona (UB). Coordinator of the accounting section of the UB. ESG-Rating Certifier. Scientific director of the One-Health Master at the UB. Researcher at Harmful Complexity. Writer and regular international speaker. Expert in business valuation, mentor of various business entrepreneurship projects based on final degree projects and promoter of business initiative centers. Academic of the Royal European Academy of Doctors.