—  From 23 to 25th November 2023  —


Barcelona , 23-25th November 2023

Peace, university and gender


Sara Carmona Benito

Professor of Sociology at the University of Barcelona

Professor of Sociology at the University of Barcelona and responsible for the project to launch an equality unit in a university in the Near East.

Massouda Kohistani

Afghan political activist for Civil Rights.

Graduated in Political Science. Afghan political activist for Civil Rights, involved in gender issues. For all this, he took refuge in Spain for three years now. An important part of their activity takes place on social networks, with the aim of being able to report and raise public opinion about the situation in their country.

Amanda Ríos

Colombian, former FARC-EP combatant

Feminist committed to the fight for Peace. Member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Women for Peace with Social Justice “Las Manuelitas”, of the Federation of Social and Solidarity Organizations FEDECOMUN, and of the cooperative Social Economies of the Common ECOMUN.

Montserrat Puig Llobet