—  From 23 to 25th November 2023  —


Barcelona , 23-25th November 2023

Promoting peace processes in Africa through culture and entrepreneurship

Since the 1950s, the United Nations has issued clear guidelines to its member states for decolonization and independence of all African territories under its jurisdiction. This has led to new European states, which, given the arbitrariness of their constitutions, has led to countries with very diverse populations, making them difficult to govern.


Antonio Pérez-Portabella

Art collector. Bachelor of Business Science in ESADE from Barcelona Business School. Entrepreneur: Director of Plastic and Cellulose Film Company (Barcelona); President of PROMISA S.A. (Guatemala, Mexico, Zaragoza); Avalis Consultant, S.G.R, Catalonia; Advisor to the Global Department of Santander Group University in Catalonia. Member of the African House Advisory Committee since its establishment (2006). Chairman and founding member of the Catalan Institute for African Studies (ICA) (2007)

José Segura

CEO of Africa House.

In his political career, he was elected as a senator for Tenerife Island along with other positions such as a counselor and mayor from the same autonomous region (1989). He is the author of several books and textbooks related to technical thermodynamics, strategic planning, and African issues. He has received multiple medals and recognition.

Paolo Speller

Current president and founder of the Central African American University

With the support of UNESCO, he is the current president and founder of the Central African American University located in Equatorial Guinea (mainland). He is a scholar with a longpolitical and academic career, elected as the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (Ibero-American Organization for Education, Science, and Culture). He has served as the Secretary of Higher Education at the Brazilian Ministry of Education, a member of the Higher Education Economic Development Committee, and a member of the Brazilian National Chamber of Education.

Guillermina Mekuy Mba-Obono

Former Minister of Culture and Tourism in Equatorial Guinea

Graduate in Law and Political Science from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. She has written and collaborated in various magazines and publications with articles, interviews and stories. A precocious writer, she has written two novels: El llanto de la perra and Las tres vírgenes de Santo Tomás, in which she defends the liberation of women and rejects religious fanaticism. She has been Minister of Culture and Tourism in Equatorial Guinea as well as Director of Libraries and Museums in Equatorial Guinea. 

Jacinto Soler Matutes

PhD in Economics from the University of Barcelona and Master in International Economics from the Kiel Institute of World Economics (Germany)

Associate Professor of Economics and International Trade at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and Director of International Relations at Patronal PIMEC. Author of books on emerging markets, including “El Nuevo Capital Árabe: Principales Actores” and “Oportunidades Para Empresas Españolas”.

Joan Abelló

UPF European PhD in Humanities – University of Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (2015). Art and design critic, independent commissioner. He collaborates with various art and design colleges and universities in Italy, the United States, and Spain. Regional Manager.