—  From 23 to 25th November 2023  —


Barcelona , 23-25th November 2023

Sport as a tool to promote peace, integrity and equality

Presentation of sports projects that strengthen social bonds and promote sustainable development and peace and reflect on how sports can be an important tool to promote peace.


Alla Krinitsyna

Social psychologist, project manager of the social department of the UFEC. She will present the European project “Sport for Prevention of Extremism in Youth” (SPEY). It is an initiative of the UFEC and the International Consortium that will be implemented between 2019 and 2022 with the financial support of the European Commission. The project’s main objective was to develop and test a pilot sports programme to prevent the process of adopting all kinds of extremist ideas and behaviour among young people. https://ufec.cat/spey/

Andrés Barrientos

Physical education teacher in primary and secondary schools since 1998, national hockey coach with 33 years of experience. Currently national referee, member of the scientific committee of the ISSO (International Sport Sociological Observatory), conflict mediator of the Consell de l’ Esport de Barcelona, founder of the Catalonia Hockey Club, collaborator in the Escola de Cultura de Paz of the UAB, Blanquerna University, University of Barcelona and UAB education, trainer of trainers in Spain, Argentina, Mexico, Peru and Guatemala, co-author of the book “Culture of peace in sport”. Andrés will explain how peace can be built from the micro, the every day, to take advantage of the abundant opportunities that sport and physical education offer in every class, every training session and every match. He will also talk about attitudes and techniques that take advantage of the potential of sport since, without method, sport alone not only does not transmit peace but can also trigger other violence generated outside the field.

Laura Sabaté

Law-graduate, coordinator of child protection projects for the FC Barcelona Foundation, such as preventing bullying and violence in primary schools. Moreover, she is currently the FC Barcelona Foundation’s Protection Delegate and a member of the technical team of the FC Barcelona Protection Committee.

Berta Arandes

Sports journalist in Barcelona. Graduate in journalism from the URL and specialized in sports, with more than ten years of professional experience in corporate communication and the media. She has developed a large part of her professional football career. Trained in digital marketing, she also writes articles for websites, manages social networks and presents events.