—  From 23 to 25th November 2023  —


Barcelona , 23-25th November 2023

Technology, safety and Human Rights

We will discuss technical security in Europe and the United Nations: European directives and the United Nations. Human rights and the 2030 Agenda. Development and application from a gender and diversity perspective in businesses and children. The impact on health.


Ferran Cases

General Director and Founder of the Bye Bye Anxiety Clinic.

He currently lectures and directs the psychological center to help overcome anxiety. Ferran Cases is the author of several books, among them the best sellers translated into more than 20 languages: “The Little Big Book of Anxiety” and “The Brain of Happy People”.

Mireia del Pozo

President of CEDE (Center for Women's Studies in Europe)

Internationally recognized as one of the best specialists in gender diversity. She has received numerous awards for her prolific and extensive cross-cutting work throughout her career. Creator and director of “Plusvàlua Dones”, a radio and TV program on women’s issues. She directs the consultancy and works and collaborates with different international institutions (European Parliament, European Commission and UN). She is a member and professor of UNESCO Chair: Peace, Solidarity and Intercultural Dialogue – Economics at the Universitat Abat Oliba CEU and member of the Labor Court of Catalonia.

Anna Plans

President of the Audiovisual Media Consumers Association of Catalonia

Specialized in women and hypersexualization. She belongs to the group of experts of the Aprender a Mirar Foundation, whose work is to assist the most defenseless people against the abuses committed in the digital environment: children and youth. She is the author of several books.

Genís Roca

President of the PuntCat Foundation and Vice President of Barcelona Music Lab. He is a member of the Advisory Council on Economic Policy of Catalonia, sits on the governing bodies of entities such as the RACC and the Picasso Museum, and on advisory boards in both the private and third sectors. Founder of Roca Salvatella. He has been chosen two years in a row by the newspaper El Mundo as one of the 25 most influential Spaniards on the Internet. Winner of several awards, including “Best speaker of the year”.