—  From 23 to 25th November 2023  —


Barcelona , 23-25th November 2023

Tourism, the engine for peace

In this presentation we will reflect on how tourism is undoubtedly a builder of wealth, heritage conservation and cultural exchanges, improving peace in the territories with the most tourism.
“I have watched the cultures of all lands blow around my house and other winds have blown the seeds of peace, for Travel I the Language of Peace” Mahatma Gandhi.

Sagrada Familia


Enric Truñó

Former Councilman of Tourism of Barcelona

Barcelona though tourism & peace.

Former Councilman of Tourism of Barcelona. He is an engineer and politician who was a Councillor in the Barcelona City Council between 1979 and 1998, being the Councillor responsible for the 1992 Summer Olympic Games. In 2010 he was appointed Commissioner of the Barcelona – Pyrenees 2022 Candidature. As Alderman he created the Youth Area to develop the youth policy of the City Council (holiday activities, youth centers, support for theconstitution of the Barcelona Youth Council, Barcelona Youth Project 1985, Municipal Institute of Animation and Recreation (IMAE), the first youth employment plans, the Mediterranean Youth Biennial, etc.).

Maribel Rodríguez

Vice President at the WTTC (World Travel & Tourism Council) - TBC

The responsability of the tourism sector in working for peace.

With an experience of more than 20 years of work in the areas of sales, communication and branding in different markets in Europe and Latin America. She has a firm commitment to sustainable tourism. The World Travel & Tourism Council, which represents the global leaders of the private travel and tourism sector, aims to analyze the impact of tourism on the world economy and inform about the needs of the sector.

Louis d’Amore

President and Founder of the International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT)

El turismo as the world first “Global Peace Industry”

Promoted the “Global Peace Industry” since founding the IIPT in 1986. Developed the world’s first Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Sustainable Tourism for the Canadian tourism industry. IIPT is dedicated to promoting initiatives that contribute to understanding and cooperation between nations, the improvement of environmental quality, heritage conservation and poverty reduction, all of which contribute to creating a peaceful and sustainable world. It believes that every traveler is a potential “Ambassador of Peace”.

Cordula Wohlmuther

Coordinator of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) - TBC

She works with UN agencies, financial institutions and the private sector as donors and sponsors. She has worked on development and peace, SDGs and Agenda 2030. Expert in sustainable development, business planning, event management, international relations. Experienced in institutional relations.

Gema Martínez-Gayo

Researcher and PhD from the UNED in Analysis of Social Problems

The challenges of tourism as an opportunity for inclusive economy.
Researcher and PhD from the UNED in Analysis of Social Problems with the thesis “Labor and Social Precariousness in the Spanish Tourism Industry” (2020). She currently works as a researcher at Alba Sud, being her priorities the tourism labor market, precariousness, and gender. Author of the article “Memory and reconciliation: Is tourism an effective instrument for peace?

Àngel Díaz

President of Advanded Leisure Service, SL (ALS) - TBC

Tourism Expert. Consultant ang Project Promoter.
More than 15 years dedicated to conflict resolution in matters related to the tourism and leisure sectors. Bachelor’s degree in Biology, UB, Bilingual Master in Economics and Business Management, IESE, Master in Tourism Management, ESADE. Founding Partner of Advanced Leisure Services, SL (ALS) and Developing Natural Activities, SL (DNA), the first consulting and development company for tourism, leisure and entertainment projects and the second company for the promotion and development of tourism and leisure projects related to nature.