—  From 23 to 25th November 2023  —


Barcelona , 23-25th November 2023


Adam Purti


n actor sensitive to music, dance, and the “clown”. He received his training in The Timamibal School and Berty Tobias International Studies on Lecoq methodology (masks, clown, buffoon). He holds a bachelor’s degree in Theatre Art Studies (ESAD) and a major in Physical Performance at the Barcelona Academy of Drama. He has participated in various works and performances, emphasizing his involvement in the Danish drama “Towards Sports” and the Gracia Theatre. Drummer student at the Gracia Conservatory of Music, studying piano and Solfeo with Ángels Soler, and singing with Toni Gubau. He also participated in different contemporary dance courses (Sol Picóo, Moreno Bernardi, Andrées Corchero) and performance courses (Israel Solà, Mirea Juáarez, Judith Colell).

Co-founder and member of Pluït Company.