—  From 23 to 25th November 2023  —


Barcelona , 23-25th November 2023


Cecilia Kindelán Amorrich

PhD in Communication and Degree in Law. - TBC

PhD in Communication and Degree in Law. Master in Art and Communication and in Management of non-profit institutions, and specialist in corporate communication. She has been deputy director of the Spanish Association of Executives and has worked for 10 years at Banco Santander, in different positions within the Universia educational project. She has held various positions of responsibility in universities and business schools in Canada, USA, Ecuador and Spain. She is a Full Academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors and Academician of the Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Humanities of Lanzarote. She is currently the National Director of the Executive MBA at ESIC Business & Marketing School and her areas of work, teaching and research focus on issues related to business ethics, ethical aspects of Artificial Intelligence in business, ethical networking and business communication from the perspective of ethics.