—  From 23 to 25th November 2023  —


Barcelona , 23-25th November 2023


Roberta Bacic

Chilean human rights defender and researcher.

Chilean human rights defender and researcher. Roberta has been a professor at the Austral University of Chile (1973-1981), worked in different institutes and schools and in the National Corporation of Reparation and Reconciliation, successor of the Truth Commission (Chile). Worked in London as a Program and Development Officer for War Resisters International (1998-2002). Since 2004 has been living in Northern Ireland, where she works with Conflict Textiles, an internationally significant collection of burlap. The use of textile crafts allows her to denounce the repression and violence experienced especially by Chilean women, a language that she later exports to other countries through her collection that currently includes more than 404 textiles. www.cain.ulster.ac.uk/conflicttextiles