—  From 23 to 25th November 2023  —


Barcelona , 23-25th November 2023


Senen Florensa

Executive President of the European Mediterranean Institute in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation (IEMed)

Executive President of the European Mediterranean Institute in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation (IEMed) and president of the General Assembly of EuroMeSCo, a network of “think tanks” on Euro-Mediterranean studies. A career diplomat, he has a degree in Economic Sciences and Law from the UB and is licensed in International Studies. He has been General Consul of Spain in Berlin and Rome, and Spanish ambassador in Tunisia. In 1996 he was the first secretary in the Spanish Embassy to UNESCO. Since 2018, he has been Ambassador, permanent representative of Spain to the United Nations Office and the International Organizations based in Vienna. He has served as president of the Mediterranean Committee of the European League for Economic Cooperation (LECE) and vice president of the Spanish Section.