—  From 23 to 25th November 2023  —


Barcelona , 23-25th November 2023


Shohei Ikeda

“I hope that Hiroshima will use the power of digital technology to bring peace to the world and make peace the norm. Shohei Ikeda.”

I am the CEO of two companies, a start-up company developing and operating application systems in Hiroshima Prefecture and an apparel company handling the Barcelona brand. I am planning and directing the PAUWA project in Japan. (Barcelona-Hiroshima) Selected for HIROSHIMA UNICON10, a project recommended by Hiroshima Prefecture. Many TV appearances / lectures / speaking engagements in Hiroshima Prefecture. Hiroshima is a city that has been exposed to radiation, and at the recent G7 summit, Hiroshima pledged to be a nuclear-free city.