—  From 23 to 25th November 2023  —


Barcelona , 23-25th November 2023

Building bridges, not walls: A peace approach to diplomacy and the global economy


Federico Mayor Zaragoza

Former Director General of UNESCO

High-ranking Spanish international official. The General Director of UNESCO from 1987 to 1999; Ph.D. in Pharmacy, Complutense University of Madrid, 1958; Professor of Biochemistry, the University of Granada. 1963, where he worked as a rector in the period 1968 – 1972, and in 1972 he was appointed as a professor in biochemistry in the Autonomous University of Madrid.

In the political field served as the Minister of Education and Science, the Member of the European Parliament in 1987, the Member of the Cortes Generales of Spain for Granada. Since 2000 he is the President of the Culture of Peace Foundation, and among other positions is the President of the Scientific Council of the Ramón Areces Foundation. During his career received many awards and has been conferred the title of an Honorary doctor at many national and international universities.

Rosalia Arteaga

President of Ecuador

Lawyer, social activist, writer, and Ecuadorian politician. She served as the President of the Republic of Ecuador in 1997 and vice president, being the first woman president and constitutional vice president of Ecuador. She has a broad academic background studying journalism, humanities, pedagogy and anthropology, Political Science among others, in different universities. In the field of political career hold different public and private positions such as Councilor of Cuenca, Minister of Education, Culture and Sports.

Ernesto Kahan

Nobel Peace Price

Prof. Emeritus Dr. Ernesto Kahan MD. University Professor – Poet – Physician at Tel Aviv University, Israel. Academician by the Royal European Academy of Doctors and by the North American Academy of Modern International Literature (ANLMI). He is currently president of Peace-Art-Culture (PAX), president of ICP. International Coalition for Peace and 1st Vice President – World Congress of Poets INC. In the past he was president of the Israeli branch and member of the International Council of the Association of Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War in 1985, an association which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize

Aldo Olcese

Doctor in Financial Economics and graduate in Economics and Business Sciences.

He is a leading reference in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and a pioneer in Spain in the defense of humanist capitalism, understood as the search for the general good from private interest. Academic, intellectual, manager and advisor, he is a multifaceted professional committed to economic modernization.

Mireia Belil

General Director of the Fòrum Foundation.

Geographer specialized in urban development and policy issues, especially in territorial and social strategy definition. She regularly works as a researcher and consultant for international organizations and other European cities. Social Council of the UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). She directed the dialogues at the Universal Forum of Cultures in Barcelona 2004.

José Ramon Calvo

President of the Institute of International Cooperation of the RAED.

Doctor of Medicine, Professor of Health Education at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Founder and director of Campus Excellence. President of the Institute of International Cooperation of the RAED. Executive Director of the Spanish office of the International Center for Migration, Health and Development, advisor to the Climate Change Reality Project led by Al Gore, strategic advisor to the BSC (Barcelona supercomputing Center). Author of numerous books and articles, renowned international lecturer, academic of the Academy of Sciences and Engineering of the Canary Islands and full academic of the Royal European Academy of Doctors.

Cecilia Kindelán Amorrich

PhD in Communication and Degree in Law. Master in Art and Communication and Management of non-profit institutions, and specialist in corporate communication. She has been deputy director of the Spanish Association of Executives and has worked for ten years at Banco Santander in different positions within the Universia educational project. She has held various positions of responsibility in universities and business schools in Canada, USA, Ecuador and Spain. She is a Full Academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors and Academician of the Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Humanities of Lanzarote. She is currently the National Director of the Executive MBA at ESIC Business & Marketing School, and her areas of work, teaching and research focus on issues related to business ethics, ethical aspects of Artificial Intelligence in business, ethical networking and business communication from the perspective of ethics.