—  From 23 to 25th November 2023  —


Barcelona , 23-25th November 2023

Honour Talent Awards 2023

This dialogue aims to create a roadmap to peace through the talent and humanism of citizens.


Federico Mayor Zaragoza

Former Director General of UNESCO

High-ranking Spanish international official. The General Director of UNESCO from 1987 to 1999; Ph.D. in Pharmacy, Complutense University of Madrid, 1958; Professor of Biochemistry, the University of Granada. 1963, where he worked as a rector in the period 1968 – 1972, and in 1972 he was appointed as a professor in biochemistry in the Autonomous University of Madrid.

In the political field served as the Minister of Education and Science, the Member of the European Parliament in 1987, the Member of the Cortes Generales of Spain for Granada. Since 2000 he is the President of the Culture of Peace Foundation, and among other positions is the President of the Scientific Council of the Ramón Areces Foundation. During his career received many awards and has been conferred the title of an Honorary doctor at many national and international universities.

Bru Recolons Argente

President of the Impulsa Talentum Foundation,

President of the Impulsa Talentum Foundation, the first international conference focused on talent and knowledge management and awards the Talentum Awards, a project to promote entrepreneurship and innovation. He is a Catalan businessman and entrepreneur who graduated in Technology Business Management from the Ramon Llull University and has an MBA from ESADE.

Albert Torras Corbella

Writer and journalist with extensive professional experience. At present run the position of the Director of Radio Comerç, promoter, cultural manager and local activist from associations that collaborate with on a regular basis: Federation of Associations and Commissions of Hostafrancs, Sans Entities. Made a great promotion work for the recovery of the Floral Games of Sants. 

Published a multitude of books, essays and regularly collaborates with different publications in the field of culture and social activism. Vice-President of the Catalan Mexican Cultural Association.

Carles Campuzano Canadès

Counsellor of Social Rights of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Deputy in the Cortes Generales for Barcelona. He graduated in Law from the University of Barcelona. He is president of the ACSAR Foundation (Catalan Association of Solidarity and Aid to Refugees), a member of the Board of Trustees of CatDem, of the Advisory Council of the Catalan Esplai Foundation, of the Advisory Council of the Third Sector Observatory and the Advisory Council of the Training and Work Foundation among other entities.